Why You’re Not Immune to Marketing and Branding

Why You’re Not Immune to Marketing and Branding

While researching a new marketing article idea, I came across this Research showing that women are struggling more with the effects of COVID than men. ———————————————– Let me tell you a story. Client meetings have been fun since the movement restrictions triggered by the pandemic have been relaxed. I had this one meeting where I…

Content Conundrum

Content Conundrum

Since the 2000s, African mobile penetration has grown rapidly. And yet the percentage of the population with access to the internet is still abysmal at 43%. Africa is the only continent where more than half the population is without internet access. Of the 25 nations with connectivity issues, 21 are African. Despite low penetration, African…

Impact of Digitalization on Marketing and Advertising

Impact of Digitalization on Marketing and Advertising

I was recently interviewed on News Central on the topic, Impact of Digitalization on Marketing and Advertising. Here are a few takeaways: Digitization is the process of transforming materials or data to digital format while Digitalization is the use of these digitized materials for the purpose of driving business functions (in the context of this conversation). Advantages…